this man is the best man ever, although he didn't get baptized when he knew the church was true and investigated the church for four years,he is so so special and is always looking out for other and picks up opur investigators for church every week, takes us to all firesides and temple trips and he is so sweet and respectful, as I've told you be
this is a donut breakfast for Stake Correlation Meeting :) so this is a pictures of most of our zone. I LOVE them so much they are literally my family

ok my week : we went to Camelback Mountain this morning two elders kept encouraging me because i was dying, but they didnt let me rest ans i had to keep the pace of the first group, it was hard but i made it to the top with the winning team!
this elder looks like Jim Carey
here am I doing the Titanic.
ok really my week was wonderful: first i need to share a really cool testimony my recent convert Jenny bore.
we went to the temple with Catalina, the mother of Blanca!!
at first she hated us, never said a word to us and after the baptism of her whole household ans after we went to the temple in Gilbert, the kids couldn't stop talking about it and showed Gramma pictures of it and said how much they loved it, then she had a desire to go and also was nicer to us, she even came out during our lesson one day and told us of the profanity the girls use and how they shouldn't be speaking that way when they are learning about the gospel and she was really concerned about it. We all helped her understand that we start to change little by little and as they study more and especially the pamphlet of For the Strength of Youth, they will example of the believers in word, in charity, in purity, in love at all times.
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