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Avatar: The Last Post

"In the era before the Avatar, we bent not the elements, but the energies within ourselves."
-A giant Lion Turtle

Avatar the Last Airbender was one of my favorite shows when I was but a lad, which was about a year ago... If you haven't seen it, then you have missed out, cause they're already on the second series, season, whatever you wanna call it, but it's on Netflix so there's that. "Are you sure you're not talking about the Blue cat people?" I'm positive... I mean, it was just great, BUT, much like Pokemon, it was one of those shows, that you watch and you get sad cause you're like, "Why can't I do that?" So it was sort of bittersweet. Anyway, what I'm trying to get at, is that it's great. "You really liked it huh?" Chyea, I was thinking about it the other day and something hit me... I think it was a Dragonfly, cause let me tell you, that thing was HUGE and it hurt... But then I realized something. 

Example of a fictitious Avatar 
So the basis of the show is, there are four nations, The Water Tribe, The Earth Kingdom, the Fire Nation, and The Air Nomads. Each nation has it's own culture and lifestyle and some of the citizens of those nations can bend, which means they can control a certain element. As you could probably tell, there are four elements can you guess what they are? "Earth, Wind, Fire, Water?" There you go! "You owe me a gold star." Well... I guess I can look for one somewhere... So in the show there can only be one Avatar on the Earth, and they can master all four elements, this person, doesn't have the limitations of everyone else, they could learn all four of the elements and they're whole mission, purpose, etc. is to bring peace to the land. They're peacekeepers, and they are chosen at birth cause an Avatar isn't made, they're born. Well, that's not entirely true cause they have to learn all this stuff. "I don't think you're supposed to go against your own word in a blog..." Yea, but... Moving on.

So what does this have to do with the Gospel? "That's what I've been waiting to hear"
A REAL Avatar! And he dresses
sharp too
Well, in this church, we have an Avatar, he's called the Prophet. We have had many prophets on Earth, from Adam, who was the first prophet all the way to Thomas S. Monson, who is our current prophet. This great man, much like the Avatar, is a man of peace. A man who does his earnest best to make the world a better place, and leads The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints today. Now, that I know of, he cannot shoot fire from his hands or control water or anything like that, although it'd be cool. this is a man, who was called by God. "Alright, I got a good question. "IF this is something mean like why my socks don't match or something, I don't want to hear it... "What? No! Wait, your socks don't match? That's kind of lame, what you get into an argument with your clothes hamper?" I'm not gonna answer that one... But yes, yes I did. "So anyway, well, why do we need a prophet or Avatar or whatever it is?" Wow... That actually is a really good question."Stumped ya huh?" Pshh maybe in your dreams. 

So think of it this way, you're lost in the woods and what's the best thing to have? "A rescue chopper?" Ok, next best thing, "A satellite phone?" Ok, let me help you out, It rhymes with mumpus. Another hint? It's a compass... "Gotcha." So a compass guides you and points you the right way, much like a prophet. Our Heavenly Father wouldn't leave us to dry with no amount of help cause He loves us and wants us to return to Him. But we need a way to know truths so we can return, these truths and teachings are called the Gospel. But how is the Gospel brought here? That's right, through prophets. "You didn't even give a chance to answer..." Oh... I'm sorry? So much like the Avatar, the prophet protects the world by testifying of the truthfulness of the Gospel. A General Authority said this about prophets,

"Today is not different from ages past. The Lord does not love the people of our day any less than in past times. One of the glorious messages of the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ is that God continues to speak to His children! He is not hidden in the heavens but speaks today as He did in ancient days.
Much of what the Lord reveals to His prophets is intended to prevent sorrow for us as individuals and as societies. When God speaks, He does so to teach, inspire, refine, and warn His children. When individuals and societies ignore their Heavenly Father’s instructions, they do so at the risk of trial, torment, and toil.
God loves all His children. That is why He pleads so earnestly with us through His prophets. Just as we want what is best for our loved ones, Heavenly Father wants what is best for us. That is why His instructions are so crucial and sometimes so urgent. That is why He has not abandoned us today but continues to reveal His will to us through His prophets. Our fate and the fate of our world hinge on our hearing and heeding the revealed word of God to His children."
I can testify to you dear reader, that God does in fact talk to us, and he leads us along using living prophets, and that Thomas S. Monson is a prophet called of God. He wasn't just some guy the Lord picked off the street. No. He was born to lead and through his life, was shaped into the man he is today. God loves us dear reader, he truly does.


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