"Now is the time for members and missionaries to work together, to come together, to labor in the Lord's vineyard, to bring souls unto him" -President Monson
this is the last new member lesson we had with Silvester ans my last time teaching with y hermana Arevalo |
We had the best Family night (f.h.e) ever!! with Roxana and her three children, her husband and good friend of hers who is a member from a different branch. COol right she took initiative to invite others to come over for family time! that was exciting and plus she loves inviting our investigators to it all the time, she is the perfect fellow-shipper. We had a lesson on hte importance of praying as a family and studying the scriptures by topic. I gave them all a topics such as faith, hope charity, love etc. and they paired up in teams we had htem look under the GEE or Topical guide read the definition and look up scriptures, analyze them and share it with the group. We were having so much fun, especially the girls because they love to teach , for they want to be missionaries when they grow up :) The love of God was felt in that home and the sister that came bore a lot of powerful testimonies, about how before she was a member she was quiet and she asked Him to help her with her shyness and weaknesses and he answered her prayer and gave her the confidence and knowledge she needed to share her testimony in fast and testimony meeting and now she takes up everyones time. she also fasted and prayed for someone to be preserved in the wilderness and ans angel gave him food and water and he made it home safely and since that time forth she knew that Heavenly father loves her and listens to her as long as he is a good girls and asks in faith, she also mentioned her conversion story, the point is that she bore her testimony about several different things, they were powerful, but that also made us a tad bit late for our next appointment. I extended the invitation for the husband or soon to be husband to follow the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized along with his family. He accepted and he also expressed his appreciation towards us for teaching his family and how he feels the difference with the harmony in his home, Roxana also expressed her desire to be like the teachers in Relief Society, she wants to be like them, teach with power, knowledge and with the spirit. Furthermore, she talked about the blessings she receives from feeding us:) how before her food will not last and now she saves money and buys the same amount of food, yet it lasts a lot longer and she knows Heavenly Father blesses her family because she feeds us with love and all her heart. She expressed how much they all love us as part of their family, it made us so happy because we are so far away from our real families, but these children of God makes it so worth it to be out here and have that privilege to teach them and invite them to come unto Christ,
Janet at the end of the lesson, gave a little lesson she prepared on the Law of Chastity and did so great, confidence. Blanca bore her testimony about how happy she feels now that she reads and prays everyday and its glorious. she feels renewed and forgiven. You can see it the way she is with her children and her priorities. I love them.
in the middle of the lesson baby David was crying so Hermano Curiel had him draw on the board and he got happy again, afterwards we all ate donuts and cookies :)
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