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June 28, 2015

     This week was good. The Track and Field Competitive Sport hosted their banquet on Tuesday night. On Thursday night we celebrated Logan (Sterling) Starks birthday. I aced another accounting test Friday night. I seem to have become a reference from leadership for activities because I was asked to help lead a crew to hike up Table Rock and help lead an Idaho State Championship Meet on July 11th. I thought that I was done being a Track and Field Coordinator. I could be done, but I don't want to be selfish. This is where I am needed. I watched 'Inside Out' on Friday night in celebration of my A. Jessica and I finally made it to the temple yesterday. This semester has been so busy.
     The Track and Field Banquet was excellent. We had the conference room at Pizza Pie Café packed. I estimated that we would have forty-five to fifty people come, but only about thirty-five came. The environment was nice. Everyone was having a good time. After things settled down a little bit, I went up and started the closing ceremonies. I thanked everyone for enduring to the end, breaking school records, working towards personal records, making the season a success, making friends, and so forth; then, I invited the coaches up to give out the championship t shirt tokens. After I let the coaches do their thing, Brother Stutz asked for feedback on their decision to make Track and Field an event sport. Most people liked the idea. We had a good discussion.
     Sterling Starks’ birthday was chill. The groups of the party was tight until we went to the dunes. We went out to eat at Frostop. They have good food, but it is not too special. It's just a burger joint. It's good to have Logan back at school to enjoy his presence and a more whole group. The core group at Frostop was Logan Starks, Rachel Zeller, Jesse Kaupert, Rachel Dunlap, Joe Cox, Jessica Palmer, and I. Kathrine’s friends join us at the dunes. When we went to the dunes, Jesse got stuck in the sand, driving his car into the parking lot. We have a classic game called glow in the dark Stick ball, which a combination of golf and baseball. Jesse pitched a ball to himself, and he would hit it out into the dunes; then, someone else would throw it back into the bucket of balls. Everyone would pitch  hit the ball out for another person, going from many rounds until everyone hit the ball for everyone else, and the person that had the least amount of throws to get the ball into the bucket would win. We were unable to finish the game on the night of Logan's birthday.
     I did not go to Table Rock, but I took the opportunity to help host the Idaho High School Track and Field State Championship Meet. I have to get twelve volunteers. I don't know exactly what we are doing, but I have a meeting with a guy tomorrow. It is interesting how people naturally develop to be a leader after a little effort. I started my leadership by my desire to raise the standard for the competition for cross country by winning the championship in 2013. I was a cross country coach in 2014, and that season was one of the best in a while from my experience. I was offered the opportunity to be the Track and Field Coordinator, and I have been asked to help organize the Idaho State Championship meet after concluding the Track and Field season. Leadership roles come naturally and by choice. Jesse has a natural role to be the leader of our core group of friends, and I can't take his role; therefore, he needs to fulfill it like I need to fulfill my role. I was thinking of not continuing being a coordinator, but a role of a coordinator is to inspire the next generation of coordinators. I have three of my coaches lined up for the next few weeks to participate in coordinator meetings.
     My grades so far for my accounting tests are As for three of four, and a classmate wants to study for me. My teacher has a very good study guide for his tests, going overall the subjects on the exams, so I just go over that. My tests this semester are very far, and I am happy about that. I have another Statics test on Wednesday, so I have a lot to do for that. I have been neglecting a group project for my safety class that I need to do research on. I have a lot to do for that. My semester is concluding well, but I still have a lot of work to do. Jessica and I can't fathom that we only have a few weeks felt. She has a lot a lot of work to do, since she is behind on her assignments. There is a possibility that she may fail a few of her classes. She is still learning study skills. I try to encourage her, but she has to do her own work.
     Jessica and I went to the temple for the first time of the semester yesterday because we have been too busy. We tried to go earlier in the semester, but the Idaho Falls temple was closed for renovations; plus, people from Wyoming was attending the baptistery too. The baptistery experience went too fast, but it was good. I did four names. It is not much, but it is worth it. 
     My opinion of Pixar's "Inside Out" is pretty low. Pixar most of the time bases their movies on something other than human relations. T
The concept is fun, but the story of "Inside Out" was very weak. The human characters were not built much. The only thing that I can think of at the end of the movie is that it ended too quickly. I think that Pixar should have developed the human characters more after the conclusion of the dilemma.


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