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June 21, 2015

This past week felt relaxed, but I may have relaxed too much because I missed a couple assignments. Jessica finally finished her essay. I would like to share my opinion on the tutoring lab for my statics class. An architect asked for my resume and my schedule this summer personally on Linkedin! I hope that I get to work with him. It would be hard, but it would be such a great blessing to practice a skill that I want to pursue. There is a lot to being an architect, and I want to practice it. Friday night was the P2B Power to Become Alumni Conference. I got an alumni mentor. Jessica and I met at this conference last semester, so it is special to us. The championship meet went well. Inside out, a new Pixar film, came out this weekend, and Jessica and I rounded up friends to go it yesterday. It was sold out though. A group went to play laser tag, but I don't really like it. It was hard to decide a good united activity. We decided to watch Jupiter Ascending.
     My statics tutoring lab is funny because it is full of extroverts, and the following topic comes up often in our discussions: How is it possible that everyone else in the class that does not come to these sessions understands what is being taught, and how it is possible to complete the homework well without attending these sessions? I personally think that learning a material is good alone. I think that extroverts are interesting because they think out loud, relying on others to think things through. This is why the tutoring sessions are full of the same people. It's how they learn. I mainly use tutors if I need to learn something faster.
     On Thursday night, I got a message from an architect from J.W. Architecture, and I am excited about the opportunity because I always wanted to intern with an architecture firm. I am also excited because I recognized the architectural firm from a task that I had with Delta Stone Products to create a list of all the architectural firms in Utah in order for them to invite them to a design education session, and I recognized the firm. I checked out the website to learn about the company, but there was not much there, so I called the company. I was surprised that I was transferred to talk to the architect himself, and he was the person that send me the message. One thing that I think is weird is that companies always contact BYU Idaho with opportunities for work, but they want them to be available to work within the month or week.

     P2B was great. The alumni that came to this conference were just as amazing as the previous P2B. It is amazing the great people that have come from BYU Idaho and Ricks College. I am going to list the revelations and points that they made. I live tweeted the event. Counsel with the Lord in prayer, but we should not counsel God.
     Kim Flynn was the first alumni that addressed us. Her website describes her as the following quote: "Kim Flynn is passionate about playing big in business. She is a bestselling author, speaker, trainer, and workshop leader for entrepreneurs and small business owners. She has four kids, is the founder of five businesses, and the creator of the Plug & Play Business System. Kim teaches business owners how to automate, systematize, and grow their businesses to their potential.
After several years as a school teacher, Kim started her first tutoring business when she was 23 years old. She grew that business to employ over 30 people while working 3 hours per week. She went on to build and sell three more service businesses before creating Kim Flynn Consulting.
Kim now hosts monthly Business Intensive Retreats at her lodge in Park City, where women and a few brave men fly in from across the country to learn the Plug & Play Business System and overhaul their systems and operations in three intense days. Kim is a frequent guest on national radio and TV programs outlets like Fox Business News, and Forbes, and was recognized in the Top 40 under 40 in Business Q Magazine."
The following are my notes on her speech: Don't let anyone tell you this. You are out of alignment. Mothers can't do big things. Will I be sacrificing my family, if I do big things? I can do whatever I want to do because I see you do whatever you want. - her daughter, the most rewarding part of her career
We don't have to follow the mold. You are not sacrificing your family, being a businesswoman. You are blessing your family. The mold is education, get married, have children, grandchildren, & die. It is not the calling and purpose of women.  Don't let the box limit you. It is okay to rock the boat. Your family and friends will still love you. You don't have to figure out your life. Just move forward. Look at the threads in your life for purpose. We've dreams to achieve, but we don't. Giants, fighting against us, aren't physical or financial limits. They're social pressures. Playing it safe is a lack of faith.
    "In 2007, a BYU – Idaho student wanted to learn internet marketing. There was one class available to him – a course that offered one credit, lasted one month, and focused on how to use Google ads.
     The student, Stuart Draper, didn’t let a lack of coursework deter him from his goal. He bought books, attended seminars, and learned the skills he needed by way of independent study – and he did that while continuing to pursue and complete a bachelor’s degree in traditional marketing." (
     Stu Draper was the next speaker, and the following notes were the live tweeting on the Mormon YSA Blog Spot's Twitter page.
     A BIG FAT LIE: Success is about who you know, not what you know. Use @LinkedIn The connections can get you places, if you have skill. You can make up for not being outgoing with skill. The networkers will find you. Rich people can't help you; unless, you have skills. Our networks can change our lives in unforseen ways. Let your network grow and change you positively.  Learn the principle of networking with the right people.  Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future. We are the average of the five people that we spend the most time with. (the twist) or aspire to be, follow, read, and so forth. Smart cuts: Progress in your career faster than you can dream with the skills and networks that you develop in school.
     I am happy to say that Logan Starks has returned to BYU Idaho after a brief hiatus, and I was able to enjoy dinner with him and his girlfriend Rachel Zeller. We had a good time at dinner, and Art Rascon from ABC news addressed us. He is an Emmy award winning Reporter, joining ABC-13 in September 1998 to serve as anchor of the five o'clock news. The following tweets were my notes on his speech: Realize your tremendous dependence on God; furthermore, he will to grant to you your righteous desires. Trust him. The Lord can do better with your life than you can do without him. Depend on his love for you. Let your roots grow so deep into the earth & the Gospel that the people, who look to you for survival, can live. Don't follow the world's ways. It is without integrity. This is why anarchy breaks out without rule; looting, riots, and so forth. The keys to Sam Walton's success are hard work, the love of others, and the understanding that God is in control.
     "Emily McQueen is a stay-at-home mother of five children and a volunteer. Emily is a well-known speaker on the topic of overcoming disabilities. At BYU-Idaho she was involved in an accident that left her a paraplegic. She has tackled competitive wheelchair racing finishing with three first place finishes." ( The following notes were the live tweeting of her speech: In the trenches of life, I found a real friend, & my previous friendships were mostly superficial. I didn't want superficiality. What is your childhood dream? I didn't go back to it until many years past. Will you #p2become your childhood aspirations? Multiply your joy with your children by cherishing them. Learn the skill of clarity. It will open your mind to what is important. Skills from the trenches are drive, sensitivity, clarity, and hope.
     "Randy Garn is the Co-Founder of Hero Partners, a group helping entrepreneur partners lift and reach their vision. He is a New York Times bestselling author and has been awarded Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst and Young. He is an alumnus of BYU-Idaho and a graduate of the Owner Management Program at Harvard University." ( The next series of sentences are my notes on his presentation. Little Things means everything. Question the culture of separating personal from business life. The three Bs are believe, #p2become, and belong. What do you believe in? Do you believe in yourself? If you treat people including yourself as if they ought become, they will become it.
The possibility mind set is more productive.  Stop complaining. What is the solution? The probability or possibility mind set. What do you embrace more? Probability fills in the gaps of the possibility mind set. Don't be afraid to express your personal Gospel desires. You can't separate business from personal life.  Seek the path to the future of your desire. Don't fall away from your righteous desires. Always keep yourself in the path.  If you keep your home life right, business life will most likely be right. The most important thing in life is family.  99% faith is not faith. 1% fear is actually 100%. Faith is an assurance of things that are true. The Gospel has no half-truths. Define to your what is success. To me, it is too achieve your righteous desires.
     Ryan Hamilton spoke last, and he is a great comedian with clean humor. It is incredible to listen to a Mormon Comedian that is actually good. I don't know any good Mormon standup comedians.

     My alumni mentor is a man named Sterling Graham. I met him at the Capitola Beach in California as I was watching over two Japanese English language students. As I was walking around, looking for them, I ran in to him. He was open about helping me find an internship, but I am not bold enough to ask about that yet. I first sent him a message on Linkedin, and he didn't answer. I found an email address on his Linkedin, so I asked there. He replied graciously, but I have not heard from him after answering his questions. I hope that I hear from him soon.
    The championship meet started a little rough because the scoreboard and the sound system didn't work. The program is so small that it worked well without it. No one broke records. The environment was good. We actually ran the 300 and 100/110 meter hurdles. We didn't run the 300 hurdles until the last meet. Tuesday is our banquet, and I still have work to do as a coordinator. I am happy that it will be over. I need to focus more in my classes. We had more participants in the championship, and the stadium did not seem empty.
     Jupiter Ascending is a movie that I would not recommend anyone to watch. There is no meaningful message in the movie. The story is better than most, but it is told very poorly. It is very hard to comprehend, and I am usually one who is easily understand movies. The worlds are gorgeous, and the pictures are amazing. Some themes of the movie is extreme corruption; therefore, I do not recommend that you corrupt your soul with their thought processes. The movie is based on the shallow philosophy of man that the Earth cannot sustain the population of humanity. "For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves." D&C 104:17



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