"So, what's there to know about you, Elder Choe?"
I'm a Yellow-Red, I'm spontaneous, I'm a missionary, and I'm a Mormon.
Some say that that in complete darkness, he navigates by shouting, his left knee attracts cats, and that he can solve a Rubik's cube just by staring at it for 15 seconds - all we know is that his name is Mi Nam (and that's one word).
As for what I have to say: I am very fortunate to have been blessed with a father who has a deep love of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At eight years old, I was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
As I grew older, my father set a wonderful example of attending his meetings and magnifying his callings; however, in lieu of following in his ways wholeheartedly, I decided that I could coast on his testimony.
Wrong. Buffalo.
I made no real effort to understand what the Gospel really meant to me - this lead to me being "active" in the Church, but not active in my heart.
As time passed, I found myself rapidly approaching college. It was there that I found myself wandering around in the ways of the world, searching for some sort of happiness. Now, get this - I didn't find it there.
I found happiness in service to others, being the big brother that my younger sisters deserve, attending Church, and following the example that was set by my dad.
Who would have though? Well, apparently Alma did.
"Awesome! So, why are you a 'Mormon'?"
Why is the sky blue? I dunno - it just makes sense!
I suppose that the real question here is, "Why did you come back?"
Well, I came back because I found happiness that the world could not provide. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, as restored by the Prophet Joseph Smith, is here for us to apply in our lives. It was when I began to test the waters (Moroni 10:3-5) that things just clicked - I had always known that the Book of Mormon is true, I had never questioned the validity of Joseph Smith's First Vision, and the teachings and doctrines of the Church just made sense - morally and spiritually.
I'm here because I've proved The Lord in days that are past! I stay where I am because He continues to bless me with testimony-strengthening experiences, and I am able to stand and say that - as Elder Jeffrey R Holland said - "[I] know the Book of Mormon and the Church which espouses it to be true."
"Wow! So, how do you live your faith?"
Well, friend, for now I'm serving a full-time mission in the far-away, exotic, and isolated locale of... Utah(land). Yes, I was called to the Salt Lake City West Mission, and I love it.
I live my faith by helping others come unto Christ. Going beyond the name tag, I see that as an individual, I have a long way to go. I rely on the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and I trust in Him; those are the only smart things to do, really. By sticking to the principles of the Gospel
- obeying the Commandments, giving service, and trying to follow Christ's example, I have found fulfillment in ways that words cannot describe.
I love my faith! It gives me a sense of purpose and has blessed me with an eternal perspective on life. The whole message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that our natures can be changed; we can be refined into the marvelous beings that our Heavenly Father created us to be. I know that Father IS aware of me, that He DOES love me, and that He wants the BEST for me - and all of this for You, too!
So, what are you waiting for, friend? Go on - "Ask the missionaries!" They can - and will - help. The Gospel will change your life.
I love that I've been blessed with the privilege of using this blog as a medium to share the Gospel! In addition to my contributions here, I also have my own blog - I've linked to it above, but I'll share it with you, again.
You can find it here!
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I love this Gospel. Feel free to use this image I made for your own uses - an occasional link to my page(s) would be appreciated! |
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