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My Little Christ Like Elements P. 3 (Kindness)

"Hey, does it smell funny in here to you? MMFFhrrg!" *thunk*
-Elder Lopez, on the subject of the odor of Chloroform

We meet again! I told you I'd be back! "Uh oh. Where's Elder Lopez? I'm I going to have to go climb a watertower?" Of course not! Do you really think I'd lock him in the same place twice? Although it surprises me to know that you'd go rescue him. "Well...I was just concerned for him, that's all..." Sure. Suuuuuuure. (imagine that in a sarcastic tone.) Don't worry, I just used chloroform this time, since it's his birthday week.

Warning: Do not view image if
you have a weak heart. Spontaneous
melting may occur. Use with caution.
So can you guess what we're going to talk about this time? "Ponies?" Eeyup! But which one? I'll give you a hint: She's been known to use weaponized adorableness to devastating effect. "Umm, the pink one?" No no no, that was the last one! We're talking about Fluttershy here! I mean look at that! Doesn't that just melt your heart??

"I see your point. Wait a minute, she is pink!" No, she's yellow. "She has pink hair!" Irrelevant. 

And do you know which Element of Harmony Fluttershy holds? "...friendship? Cuteness??" No, it's Kindness! Look at the blog title! "Alright, I'm done with these guessing games!" 

Okay, I'm sorry. I'm not demonstrating the element of Kindness very well. "Fluttershy would be very disappointed in you!" You're right! She would never act this way. The reason she possesses this particular element is because of her unconditional love toward everyone and everything! She never gets mad at anyone. She's kind, patient, selfless, and goes out of her way to help others. She once flew a cartload of frogs from one swamp to another just because they needed some space from their neighbors. "That's nice, I guess, even if it is a bit strange..." And because she's kind, she is happy, hopeful, and strong. That sounds like a scripture I know...

"I see where this is going. Jesus was kind to everyone he met. He helped and healed others without thinking of himself and he even died so others could live." Exactly! It all boils down to Love!

In fact, one might say that Love is the greatest of the Christlike Attributes. In Matthew 32, a lawyer questioned Jesus, asking which was the greatest commandment, to which Jesus responded:

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."

Looks cool, but not a good role model.
Why is love the first and great commandment? If we truly love God, we will keep his commandments! And secondly, if we love others like we love ourselves, we will have no desire to sin against them either! If everyone really loved each other, there would be no theft, no murder, no jealousy, no pride, no nothing! "Isn't that a double negative?" Yes. But the point I'm trying to make is this: what the world needs now is love. It's cliche, but it's true! So do your part. Love your neighbor, serve your friend, pray for your enemy. Be kind! "Rewind?" Never seen it, sorry.

In conclusion, be nice like Fluttershy, not like Nightmare Moon over there. She's pretty much the exact opposite of Fluttershy. "Are you sure those two pictures are from the same show?" Eeyup, believe it!

Well reader, it's been fun! But once again, Elder Lopez is stirring, and my time is up! Perhaps next time I'll be able to post on here through diplomatic means. But that wouldn't be as fun, would it? 'Till we meet again! Excelsior!


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