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Doctor Post

"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff."
-The Doctor

Exhibit A
I have seen one episode in the series known as Doctor Who. "Who?" Who. "Who's who." I'm not playing this little game with you... "Fine..." It's an episode called 'Blink' and I actually thoroughly enjoyed it once upon a time. Now all you Whovians are probably all saying, "that was a good one. Or, you probably liked it cause it had the least of the doctor. "How are you gonna guess what people are saying?" Because they ALL tell me that! But that's besides the point. You know, this show is like ridiculously popular, but like in all things in life, "if it exists, there are ponies of it." 

So in 'Blink,' you have these alien peoples known as "Weeping Angels," which may be one of the most metal names I've ever heard. "Focus..." Right. Their name literally describes what they look like. They're these stone angels that have their hands over their eyes like they're crying. You then find out that they move and attack you only when you're not looking at them. So if they touch you, they send you back in time and feed off the life you COULD'VE had. "That's depressing..." You're telling me... "I am." So the doctors wise words of advice are,
"Don't blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink. Good Luck."
So where does this tie in with anything? "Do I even need to ask?" Could you? "No." Fine
Your joke was not funny.
Me: Aww...
Mr. Grumpy Cat... The adversary is always watching my friend, and he is disguised so well, you may not even notice that he's there. Often hidden in plain sight, he will wait till you're not paying attention, when your guard is down to lunge at you, kind of like a crocodile come to think of it. "What kind of crocodile?" A SPIRITUAL CROCODILE! Now that link that I KNOW for a fact you skipped, go and click on it cause it's a neat video and kind of essential if you want to know what I'm talking about. "What if I never know what you're talking about, do I still have to watch it?" There's a part where a crocodile eats a Wildebeest... "Why didn't you say anything sooner?" So we all learned about Crocodiles when we were in Elementary school. Unlike me, they are the ultimate masters of patience. They will literally wait for hours, stalking, creeping, and any other ings till a single unsuspecting creature gets too comfortable, thinking nothing bad could happen, it's an antelope, what does it have to worry, until SNAP! into the jaws of death. Now, I have done a lot of research on gators and crocs in my younger years. Once these
behemoths grab hold of ya, they ain't lettin go. Then they start to do what's called the death spin, they will literally spin you underwater until you drown and well, that's that... "As if I didn't have enough to worry about..." 

Didn't even see it coming...
So often times, things that look super innocent are the things that the devil, adversary, whatever you wish to call him uses to get you, and why? Cause it's so easy! Why try hard to get you to do something as heinous as murder, when he can get you to maybe forget a prayer every now and then, or maybe, steal that $0.69 pack of gum, you know, the small things. Little things lead to big things and before you know it, you end up like that poor thing...
And there are also secret combinations, even as in times of old, according to the combinations of the devil, for he is the founder of all these things; yea, the founder of murder, and works of darkness; yea, and he leadeth them by the neck with a flaxen cord, until he bindeth them with his strong cords forever.
Could this be the mysterious origin of the
Weeping Angels...? Probably not...
So these weeping angels look very innocent, kind of like the Boos from Mario. You look at them and they look really really innocent, heck, you have probably seen one at least 5 times in your lives. I'm not sure why people have decorations of angels crying but that is neither here nor there. They just sit there, looking all innocent, they don't exist when they are being observed. In the sight of any living thing, they literally turn into stone. And you can't kill a stone. Of course, a stone can't kill you either, but then you turn your head away. Then you blink. Then, oh yes, it can. So before you know it, you're trapped. Or sent back through time, wherever you want to take this metaphor... "Did you just quote Doctor Who and mix your own stuff in it?" Probably. 

Just like this angel, sin looks so innocent...
This happens and then you realize, it's too late... 
I have met people who have gone down the long, depressing road that sin and temptation takes you and let me tell you, it is sad. I have met someone who has reached the lowest point of their lives, where they themselves say, "It is too late. I've ruined my life, and there is no going back..." To hear someone say that to you, to see that the life they have lived, that they have stooped so low and have realized that the precious gift of life that they have been given was squandered... That changes you, which is I guess why I decided to choose this topic, post, whatever. "You mean you don't carefully plan every one of these?" We won't get on that... So the important thing to get out of this, to those few who are reading this... Don't get to that point. Keep a watchful eye out, cause those angels, those crocodiles, that adversary is EVERYWHERE, and they won't think twice to bring you down to the gall of bitterness forever. Stay strong reader, God is there for you, just don't blink.

And don't wait till it's too late...


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