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April 6 & 13, 2014

This past week has been amazing. We just concluded general conference, and I will write about an impression therefrom.
My week began well. Since God wants a close relationship to me, I have been asking him to let me help him in his work. God's work is one of the most quoted scriptures in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is Moses 1:39. "For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."
On Monday, I was looking for opportunities to share the Gospel in a good way, and I found one. I was at work, and I was told to leave because they had no work for me. After breakfast, I went out to the car because I had to retrieve some things. Since Trevor still had work, I left the car for him, and I ran home. After retrieving those items, a co-worker, namely Sal, came out to talk, since he was asked to leave work for the day too. He was waiting for his father to come help him fix his car, so we had time to talk.
We spoke about what we have been up to. I never spoke to him before, so everything is new. I said that I plan to be an architect, and he said that he wants to be a professional tattooist. I didn't condemn him, expressing my opinion on tattoos. This has been his life ambition. Hearing his perspective was interesting. He said that lousy tattooists mess people up, but some of his friends wanted tattoos from him merely to support and remember him. It didn't matter what quality that it was. I said my life goal is to design temples for the church.
He asked about the church that I attend, and I said the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He spoke about how hard that it is too understand the scriptures, explaining that there is so many perspectives. He told the story of Abraham in a very odd way. Since he was interested, I invited him to Institute, a bible study class, and church; furthermore, I gave him a Book of Mormon, since we are studying it in Institute. I failed to follow up well. I was meaning to, but I was trying to do too many things at once on the most opportune moments to follow up.
On Monday at work he acted as though, he didn't recognize me; although, I spoke to him over the phone a couple times last week. There was a talk in General Conference about following up. I understood this principle greatly before the conference talk, but I gave into Satan's trick of distraction.

April 13, 2014

Life has been slowing down, since work has been like wise; plus, I have things to prepare for before I go back to school. I don't have much things to write about. I published a journal entry earlier this week; however, I took it off the blog because I wrote a section about art. I may need to rewrite it.

I wrote in a manner that is very confusing. It requires a lot of thought. Since people don't like reading complex articles, I refrained from publishing it to the wide audience. I published it again after editing it. Since the article covers deep ideas and it is written in a ponderous way, I will not share the link of the article other than here.


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