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How should man depend on God?

      This essay is a reflection on the revelations from Brother Peck’s Book of Mormon class from the spring semester of 2015, which covered the second half of the book of scripture. The composer of this essay is Alexander Hicken. There is a theme within the insights written about in this document. It is our dependence on God; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. There are four doctrines or principles addressed within this composition in relation to the forgoing mentioned nature of our relationship with God. The first is based on the fall of Adam. Second is a reflection on our weaknesses, comparing it to rebellion. Third is the example of the prophets, who give their will to God, depending on his word for their life’s pursuits. Lastly, our dependence on Christ’s atonement is the concluding topic.
     The first doctrine addressed in this document comes from an article that was written by the composer of this essay, when Brother Peck was in Israel. During this time as Brother Peck was in Israel, his students wrote a short report on their revelations between each scheduled class. The doctrine that Alex wrote about is that man is dependent on God for their salvation. All man lost their innocence because of the fall of Adam. All mankind are dead either physically or spiritually in mortality; however, Christ was foreordained to save humanity from their death. This doctrine means that there was always hope even in the beginning. It is vital that we understand and teach our reliance on the Godhead for life and everything.
     Another principle that is impressive that we understand that falling into sin and transgression can come by weakness or rebellion. God understands this, and he is merciful to those who are weak. One thing that we have to do about our weaknesses is understand that our weaknesses are not permanent. Heavenly Father expects us to overcome them. The atonement alone has enabling power to exalt man to become perfect, receiving grace for grace from him. Man needs to rely on the Gospel of Jesus Christ to overcome the natural man. God is not as merciful, when it comes to rebellion. We need to subject ourselves to godly sorrow and become meek and lowly in heart to receive the mercy of these offenses.
     Prophets are an example of service of God. These man have given themselves to God; thus, the Savior Jesus Christ can lead his work on Earth through them. The Book of Mormon is special because the student of the book reads the perspective of the writers, who are prophets. These people are most selfless, devoting themselves to God. They seem to have his will as the focus of their life because they have the right priorities. They learn to hearken to the Spirit of God. Everything else other than the worship of God is not a prerogative. Men of God depend on the will of the Godhead as revealed by modern revelation for their direction.
     Finally, the topic of the atonement will be addressed. Some people try to apply the atonement too much to themselves. For example, one might believe that their pain is suffering for their own sin. This belief is false because no one can atone for their sins in mortality. Man is like the following scripture: “if [man] have not faith, hope, and charity, [he] can do nothing.” All good things are given to man by God even faith, hope, and charity according to man’s prayers and desire. The only thing that we can do is give our will to God; then, he will give us all things. The meek and lowly in heart seeks to follow God in spirit and truth, for this person will be led to follow the Gospel of Christ, learning that an assurance of truth comes from God, which assurance requires repentance and the endowments of the ordinances of Priesthood. Christ gave his life, suffering death and the will of God unto enduring without reservation the pains of man unto their salvation and exaltation. God has the highest expectations for us not because we can do it, but his expectations for us are based on the doctrine that Christ’s atonement enables man to do the things that God commands.
     In conclusion, let us understand that we all are fallen, and we depend on Christ for our deliverance from death both spiritually and physically. His atonement enables us to overcome our weaknesses unto accomplishing the will of God for us. Prophets lead us to God for they are the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the representative of Jesus Christ and man directed by God, governing the affairs of the Kingdom of God on Earth. They have given their will to God, doing no action on behalf of God without his guidance. Lastly, let us seek to understand the truths within the atonement of Christ. Seek revelation from God to learn them, so we don’t misunderstand the word, mind, and will of God.


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