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A Long Week

This past week has been so long I don't know why my weeks usually feel like they just fly by but this past week took longer than usual. I think it's because I was looking forward to conference so much! Andy an investigator thats been coming to church for a while now was so excited for General COnference! it was so wonderful and very uplifting me to see and feel his excitement!!! he usually watches it at home but on Satuday he came to join us at the chapel. He loved it of course and mentioned that he especailly loved the talks about the Atonement. It was so great to hear that from him because he's usually just focused on the how the message is delivered and not so much the message itself. Andy is such a great person.Kate and Richard were also able to come watch conference with us it was wonderful to have them at the chapel because the spirit was so powerful and we all felt it; Howeveron Sunday Richard was getting restless so they had to go home early. Kate is doing so good. The other day we visited her and she said that after her baptism she prayed to Heavenly Father to help her not be lazy anymore ( she asked us earlier: "sister's did you know that I am lazy?" we said no we didn't then she said well after I was baptized I prayed that Heavenly Father would help me change and so she went out and started cleaning and buying flowers for her house and all. ( and by the way she is not even like super lazy at all) but it was just wonderful for both Sister JOhnson and I to see how she feels about her Baptism and the changes she wants to make in her life. We are super duper excited for her confirmation this Sunday:)
This past week Sister Johnson and I were asked to do training on setting and achieving goals for our Zone (Which consists of about 18 missionaries) and I was really excited and at the same time a tiny bit scared because this is the first time we'll be giving a training. My companion was super nervous too! So what brought me alot of comfort was knowing that Heavenly Father always knows what he's doing and that truly it is his spirit that was the real teacher. We were merely his instruments and we just needed to have Faith that he would help us for he still had alot more to learn about Goal Setting and Achieving. As we prepared together we learnt so much! and I am so grateful that we were given that opportunity to learn and to grow in Faith as well. The training was delivered well and I truly did feel the spirit guiding my words and as we talked. I loved it!!! Sister Johnson has been going through alot this week. She told me a couple of nights ago that she still feels like she's not doing enough and not where she wants to be. As I was listening to her I was really praying in my heart that I might know what Heavenly Father would want me to share with her to help her come closer to Chirst and to him. I learnt in a very real way that not only are we helping others who are not members of the church come closer to Christ but we're also helping ourselves, our companions and even our friends in the Gospel come even more Closer to the Savior. I am grateful for all that I am learning. I really have come to love my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ more. I am coming to learn how real they are and how they truly do want us to be happy and return and live with them regardless of where we are on that path home.
Last week we had dinner with a member of our ward Sister Hart. We loved the sweet spirit we felt in her home as she shared all that she has gone through. She was always a member growing up but when she was in her 30's she decided the church wasn't for her so she asked to have her name removed. She went the total oppsoite way and then later in her life because of her family she came back to church. Sister Hart is a wonderful Sister she has children that have become less active and a son that's excommunicated, that evening with her I realized that Heavenly Father needs missionaries not only for non members to receive the Gospel but also for members to stregthen their testimonies in Jesus Christ and in his Gospel. I am grateful for Sister Hart and again I know that truly we are called where we are needed. No wonder our leaders counselled us a couple of years ago to "Ask the Missionaries" they'll know. So yes! make the most use of the Missioanaries you have there if they are worthy the spirit will help them to help you.
This last week we also were able to find a new investigator his name is Fernando and he is 14 years old. We found him while trying to contact another person; and we were able to meet with him and help him know more about Jesus Christ. Fernando is such a humble person. It's such a privillege for me to be teaching him. We will meet with him again this week and we are really hoping his family will be willing to listen as well. We are going to the Temple this Wednesday so I am really excited!!!
I wish you all a Fabulous Week!!!
I Love YOu LOads
Sister Koroitamana


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